Jak już mówiłam, niedawno miałam przyjemność bycia w trójmieście!Powiem szczerze, że bardzo mi się ono podoba, nie ze względu na centra handlowe(dobry żart), ale także dlatego iż jest tam naprawdę pięknie! Trafiłam na początku na brzydką pogodę-deszcz, ale z godziny na godzinę było coraz lepiej! Także dzisiaj dodaje zdjęcia z Gdańska i rzeczy,które udało mi się kupić! Do zobaczenia wkrótce xxx
As I said, recently I had the pleasure of being in the Tricity! I will say honestly that I really like it, not because of the shopping malls (good joke), but also because it is there, really beautiful!Early was bad weather-rain, but in the next hours was getting better!Today i add photos from Gdańsk and the things that I managed to buy! Enjoy and see you soon xx
As I said, recently I had the pleasure of being in the Tricity! I will say honestly that I really like it, not because of the shopping malls (good joke), but also because it is there, really beautiful!Early was bad weather-rain, but in the next hours was getting better!Today i add photos from Gdańsk and the things that I managed to buy! Enjoy and see you soon xx